Where I work


Since March 2020, I am a Full-Stack Developer and Drone Pilot at Fraunhofers Insitute of Industrial Engineering creating WebApps connecting Industrial Smart Services with Drones and Robots.


In the summer of 2015-2017, I did three Internships in Truck Pre-development for commercial vehicle applications from App Development with Qt to Embedded Systems Programming in C and Matlab Simulink.

Where I study


During my studies at the Technical University of Munich, I took my practical and seminar at the Chair of Robotics and Embedded Systems, working on a drone for powerline inspection.


I am currently studying Computer Science in my bachelors at the Technical University of Munich, with a focus on Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Drones trying to master Software Development.


As research intern at the Weizmann Institute of Science within the International Summer Science Institute Program, I enjoyed a month of research, science and cultural exchange from all over the world.


I graduated the Technical High School of the Werner Siemens School Stuttgart in 2019 with a focus on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Extracurrics: Electric Mobility, Paramedic, Student Council.

Where I help and teach


Since 2023, I am a recruit at the Federal Agency for Technical Relief in Munich-Middle, where I help people in need e.g. in case of natural disasters or other emergencies.


After being a scholar at the DKFZ's Heidelberger Life-Science Lab, I remain as tutor for the next generation of young scientists, teaching them Computer Science, Ludology and Web Development.


At Junior Uni Wuppertal, I taught children aged 10-14 Scratch programming, guiding them from creating small games to programming a weather station with the use of the senseBox and BaKaRoS Project.


Between 2018 and 2021 I was Campleader organizing several Code+Design Camps and Coach teaching children in App Development with Android Studio and Game Development using the Unity Engine.

Where I build & fly


The Akamodell München is a student group of well-minded aircraft enthusiasts, where I work on my drones, assemble new aircraft with carbon fibre and help participating in international competitions.


Arbeitskreis Kopter is a student group at the University Stuttgart about building and flying small racing, freestyle or cinematic drones with FPV, where I helped organzing a drone race.

Where I do WebDev voluntarily


I joined the Alumni Network of Heidelbergs Life-Science Lab after graduating, where I'm still in contact with other researchers. In the IT-Team we're working on a new website and provide infrastructure.


In 2022 I designed and programmed the website of TUM's Campus Cneipe in Munich, where I try to be a regular guest and enjoying the best beer in town.


Gamerrepublic is a blog promoting the German video game culture and industry by providing a space for informative articles, in-depth reviews, and background information especially on indie games.